Prayer is worship, whether in the prayer closet, or in "every place" as Paul instructs Timothy about directing men to "lift up holy hands" (1 Tim. 2:8). I recognize that perhaps I don't pray much this way because real, daily intimacy with the Father is lacking. I really want to be able to give the kind of attention to prayer that I would to a movie or to a really fun game, or a job or other activity; like one would give to their lover. This for me is needful. This is needful for everyone who consider themselves a follower of Jesus Christ.
Case in point: my mom just called right now and informed me that my cousin Willie died last night (in the middle of typing these words). He would have been 80 years old this year. Yesterday morning the Father burdened my heart that I needed to see him that day before the end of the day. I'd been reading Acts 9 & 10 where Peter was obedient to go to Lydda where Dorcas was sick and died. He immediately went with the men who came to Joppa to retrieve him, "coming without delay" (Acts 9:38,39). Dorcas was raised to new life. Moreover, I read how the Father implored Cornelius, a gentile, to send men to Joppa to find Peter and how Peter responded in obedience because of the vision God gave him, opening a door for the gospel to be preach to those who were not Jewish. Peter went to Cornelius with the men who were divinely directed by the Holy Spirit (v. 21,22) to retrieve him.
Last night, I did not ACT. One thing is for sure: the Father has once again shown me His Sovereignty and that He does speak to those who seek after Him in prayer. I am only learning diligence in the seeking, faith in the praying, and obedience in the response. He wants us to respond in faith when He speaks to us in prayer.