Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our Identity as Marked by the Gospel of Our God

We marry our identities to so many different things that are contrary to who we really are or were meant to be. And too often have these marriages begun with shotgun weddings. However, the Apostle Paul encouraged believers in 1 Corinthians 9:17-23 to reflect on their identity, with the gospel in view, by inviting them, and more appropriately us, to see a snapshot of his way of life.

A part of this identity that Paul described is demonstrated in our humble service to others as empowered by the gospel of our God. "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more" (19). Who we are is married to "whose" we are; and though it is in our very nature to be servants to none other than ourselves,
the life that is now married to the gospel of Jesus Christ is one that is hidden in His identity. Jesus Himself "did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). And in His identity we are empowered to serve others with the gospel in view.

(22b) "I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.

(23)  I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it."

To "become all things" refer again to this identity, and it was Paul's clear goal to identify and connect with people: thoughtfully, emphatically with the gospel in view. Who am I willing to become in order to reach others?

"All men" means all kinds of people without discrimination or prejudice. The gospel is for everyone (Acts 1:8). Where am I willing to go to reach others; and what cultural barriers am I willing to cross or bridge to reach others?

"By all means" refer to various kinds of methods to proactively pursue people. Prioritizing the gospel is key in these approaches. What methods am I willing to employ to reach others?

"Do all things" refer to his purpose. It was Paul's constant life goal to ensure that everything he did, every action commenced, and every step taken was done through the lens of the gospel. We, too, in a post-modern culture should find ourselves engaged in such a way in our own lives. In what ways does my life engage the culture right now; and what am I willing to do to ensure that it continues?

He did all of this in order to become a "fellow partaker" in the work of the gospel. "Fellow" regards partnership: with God and His work and with those who participate in that work. "Partaker" means participant. He wanted to be an engaged and active participant in the work that God had not only called him to, but to the same Lord that counted him worthy, having entrusted to him the stewardship of that work. What has God entrusted me with in my stewardship of the gospel and of my identity in its work?

Ultimately, the end goal of the life whose identity is married to the gospel of Jesus Christ is that "by all means some [will be] saved." As Christians, our very lives should be marked by that which is "the power of God unto salvation to those who would believe" (Romans 1:16). This is who we are. Moreover, this is who we were meant to be.
1. In what ways can I become all things to the people who are in my sphere of influence?

2. What are some approaches and methods that will assist me in using all means to reach others?

3. Is my life mark by a prioritization of the gospel, and do I do all things through that lens?

4. Am I engaging the culture while in partnership with God, His work, and His people from a biblical worldview?

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