Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Law-Abiding Citizen

The Law-Giver has declared that none abides by the Law He provided humanity. Instead, he continuously breaks it. When it came to the relationship between humanity and God's righteous decree, we were outlaws. Then the Law-Abider stepped in, fulfilling all righteousness on the law-breakers' behalf. We were two thieves on a cross: venomous, vile, rebellious. The third Man was the Son of Man: innocent, scapegoated, broken for us. He took our due punishment upon Himself, as one who didn't break the law, and bore our own iniquities.

The sign on the post read "INRI," which in Aramaic was translated KING OF THE JEWS. It hung above the Law-Abider's thorn-crowned head. One thief continued to hurl insults at the on-lookers. He also taunted the KING to come down from the cross if He was truly the Son of God. However the other, penitent in heart, defended the God-Man before the crowd. The outlaw turned with somber eyes to the KING and inquired of Him, "Will you remember me when you enter your kingdom?" Jesus, eyes swollen shut and face beating unrecognizable, assured him, "Today, you will be with me in paradise."

Though we ourselves can no more follow perfectly the perfect law of the holy God than a camel can pass through the eye of a needle, Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Law-Abider accomplished this. Yet He alone was wounded for our sin, for our lawlessness. Greater still, this one act of sacrificial love made available to all of us an assurance that we would be with Him. If only we'd simply acknowledge our guilt with penitent hearts and believe by faith that Jesus alone atones for our sin. By the power of His resurrection, we who were once thieves now become citizens of an eternal country where none can break in and steal. And the Law-Abider enters into our lives to empower us who stole to steal no more.

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