Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Four Points: Evan Roberts (1904)

In 1904, a small town in the British Isles (Wales) experienced what many have called one of the greatest spiritual revivals in modern church history. This revival would far expand beyond its city limits and usher in the transformative work of the Spirit of God in the lives of those who would repent from sin and believe the truth. One of the figures that the Father used to spark that revival was a young man named Evan Roberts. With a burden for people, Roberts and a small group of friends began to minister, as the Holy Spirit led, the Gospel of our God in a way that intended a fixation on Jesus and right standing with God, rather than one that was focused on the programs, people, and preaching of the camp meetings themselves. In this, he drafted four simple tenets that would later be called "The Four Points" that he admonished people to consider:

1. All sin must be confessed to God and repented of.
The church has to be cleansed—the Lord’s bride would be with out spot so there would be no room for compromise with sin. If there is anything in our lives about which there is even doubt as to weather it is good or evil—then cast it off!

2. There must be no cloud between the believer and God.
Have you forgiven everybody? If not don’t expect forgiveness for your own sins. The Scripture is clear; we cannot be forgiven until we have forgiven. Unforgiveness separates us from God.

3. We must obey the Holy Spirit. Do what the Spirit prompts you to do.
Do what the Spirit prompts you to do. Prompt, implicit, unquestioning obedience to the Spirit is required if we are going to be used by Him.

4. There must be public confessions of Christ as Savior.
This is not a one time incident after our salvation experience or baptism—for the Christian it is a way of life. (Evan also believed that there was a difference between confession and profession).

If I/we hope to see personal, spiritual revival as well as corporate, spiritual revival in my/our lives and in my/our cities, we must consider and affirm that God is sovereign and that He desires all men come to the knowledge of the truth. Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to empower me in such a way that God is then able to strip away those things in my life that hinder His work in me, and transverely affect my spiritual impact on those around me? This takes a trusting ear that listens for His voice, a humble surrender to His will, and a faithful obedience to His call.

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