Thursday, June 9, 2011

On the False Belief that Jobs Are the Solution to Spiritual Deficits

Jobs will not fix problems brought on by spiritual deficits. Corruption still takes place in the work place, no matter where one finds himself in the employment totem pole. Though unemployment and the crime rate are high and jobs are needed, the issue for those whose lives "run amuck" is one of the heart. Change the heart and its attitudes, then changes in the man and in his behavior will occur. If I simply change the environment without changing the heart, then I'm only using a band-aid to fix mortal wounds. The bleeding is internal.

By believing that jobs are the solution to fixing criminal behavior by black youths is to assume that all young, unemployed African Americans are at their best subject to criminal behavior and activiy. That's simply not true. We should all work hard to ensure that opportunities toward successful transition into adulthood are accessible to our youth in the city. And there's a wide range of programs, free and fee-based, that help address transition. These programs and opportunites could perhaps aid in temporarily alleviating dysfunction, but all in all, if the deep-ceded, spiritual and moral deficits remain without progressive or immediate changes of the heart, then they've "missed the mark."

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